
We’re here to create an above-and-beyond fitness and wellness offering custom to you.

  • La Fabrique 3S, Benin

    At Hix Fitness, we are committed to excellence in the design and manufacturing of fitness equipment. Our innovative approach combines...

    June 12, 2024 Read More
  • LesMills, Peru

    If you are looking for the best gym equipment, look no further than our brand. We offer high-quality, durable, and...

    July 10, 2023 Read More
  • MEGAFIT, Venezuela

    Gym equipment is the ultimate solution for your fitness needs. No matter what your age, gender, or fitness level, you...

    May 19, 2023 Read More
  • SpaceCycle, Colombia

    Gym equipment is more than just a product, it’s a lifestyle. By using our gym equipment, you can develop good...

    March 09, 2023 Read More
  • PURE Fitness, Suriname

    Gym equipment is a gift that keeps on giving. You can share it with your family and friends, and have...

    January 05, 2023 Read More
  • Wegymer, Brazil

    Gym equipment is not only a tool, but also a motivation. When you see the results of your hard work,...

    November 11, 2022 Read More
  • ANYTIME FITNESS, Argentina

    Gym equipment is your best partner for achieving your fitness goals, no matter what they are. You can choose from...

    September 02, 2022 Read More
  • WILL'S, Chile

    Gym equipment not only helps you shape your ideal figure, but also improves your cardiorespiratory function and immunity, making you...

    June 13, 2022 Read More
  • INGYM, Uruguay

    Want to have a perfect body? Come and buy our gym equipment, and make your fitness plan more efficient and...

    April 08, 2022 Read More
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